Cheryl Miller posted on August 24, 2017 11:48
Alpine, Accumulate, Divert & Reject
- parallel systems reduce downtime
Winneconne, WI - Multi-Conveyor ( - Multi-Conveyor recently built this accumulation system featuring Alpine Incline and Decline, Pneumatic Divert and Product Reject technologies. Alpine systems deliver big results in a narrow footprint with simplified designs using standard conveyor components and controls. Products are elevated and declined to minimize use of floor space.
In this featured video, Multi-Conveyor provided a mild steel constructed table top system designed to transport empty bottles between a labeler and a filler. The accumulation "loop" consists of one incline alpine conveyor, and one decline alpine conveyor, capable of holding nearly 6 full minutes of product.
Should the labeler go down, the accumulation loop will re-introduce product into the transportation line. If the filler goes down, the accumulation loop will accept product until it fills up. This keeps the upstream equipment running or even allows for production line slow down instead of completely stopping the line causing unnecessary downtime.
A pneumatic divert gate was incorporated to divert products onto the accumulation loop. Under normal conditions, the pneumatic divert will send 20% of the product into the loop until the alpine is at full capacity. A product pusher was installed along the transport line to reject mislabeled bottles onto a separate reject conveyor.
This particular system was designed to run at 60 FPM @ 60 hertz based on a product load of one pound of distributed load per lineal foot of conveyor with 100% accumulation. The potential of using an alpine conveyor approach is unlimited.
We start by offering designs for the best use of a production facility, with alpines from standard to customized conveyors that offer the best combinations of automation and space minimization. Accumulators come in a variety of designs. Accumulation conveyors can move products horizontally, vertically or spiral accumulation in single file, mass flow, reflow and bi-directional configurations.
Click on the image below to jump to the feature video about this new release!