Reflow Accumulation Conveyor | Multi-Conveyor
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Reflow Accumulation Conveyor Feeds
Two Hand-Pack Stations

Cups to Sleeves to Cartons to Cases!

     Multi-Conveyor (Winneconne, WI) - recently provided a stainless steel constructed plastic belt conveyor for a food hand-pack operation. At this particular junction of the line (watch video), the food product is already filled into sealed cups that are transported from the single lane infeed point onto a reflow accumulation table.

The reflow accumulator incorporates three chains. Two of them will flow in the same forward moving output direction and the third chain will flow opposite of inline production, circulating product back towards the infeed end of the system. Cups then enter the first hand-pack station where operators will manually insert the cups into decorative sleeves.

This hand-pack station includes a 5” wide continuous conveyor and 8" wide overhead stainless steel shelf for operators to stack sleeves or cups. The video demonstrates how the sleeved product moves onto a case pack station comprised of two chains to support the open cartons traveling wide side leading. Operators will load the sleeved product into the carton. The last operator will close the carton and it will be transferred over the end of the conveyor to the customer’s sealer.

Reflow accumulation tables are typically a self-clearing, low-back pressure solution for generally cylindrical or oval products. Common applications include labeler or checkweigher infeeds with products resistant to shingling or tipping. This technology can be scaled from fairly small to quite large.

Click here for more information on all of our accumulation tables or hand-pack station solutions.Then, call us at 1-800-236-7960. We can help. Let's chat.

Reflow accumulation solutions by Multi-Conveyor

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