Hand Pack Tables & Stations 
Our turnkey systems for hand packing tables and stations integrate with your equipment to assure efficient product transfer. Multi-Conveyor mechanical design expertise makes it work for you. To meet sanitary requirements or other particular market needs, our tables and stations meet all applicable standards.
Custom built pack stations are used for operator pack off, casing, and inspection. Each pack station is designed to customer specifications with considerations for ergonomics, sanitation, access and productivity. Powered, gravity or a combination of both are utilized in many applications.
COVID-19 distancing mandates in the workplace inspired cost-effective safe, sanitary, hygienic and ergonomic hand pack conveyors or hand packing stations using clear, poly-carbonate barriers spaced for operator safety. The length of the pack zones, number of conveyors or required side tables are determined by application, working with individual plant safety guidelines. The barrier spaced stations can also be implemented into existing work areas with ease. Ask how we can help your packaging personnel stay safe! (Note: Sanitary levels up to 3A Dairy available.)
Ergonomic designs lessen the strain on operators by minimizing reach requirements, incorporating foot rests, and adding hydraulic, pneumatic or handwheel height adjustments. Multi-Conveyor can provide an efficient packing operation in painted steel or stainless steel construction.
Hand packing stations can integrate with your current line equipment, provide turnkey systems, and incorporate most any specialty request.

Learn more. Call today: 1-800-236-7960
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